As a famous actress, being a part of the glitz and glamour isn’t all that hard. After all, the reason that you’re in the industry is because of your rare beauty! However, when actresses want to prove that there is more to their talent than just looking cute and also known for playing more “serious” roles, they tend to ugly themselves up on screen to a point where the red carpet stunners we’re used to become unrecognizable!
Check the most unbelievable transformations here.
(Flip to the next pages for more!)
1. Becca
Becca is one of the most gorgeous singers in the industry and when she decided to take on her first role as an actress — she went natural, totally swaying away from her gorgeous look we all know.
After only featuring in her first movie, Yvonne Nelson’s “If Tomorrow Never Comes”, the “Beshiwo” singer seems to have lost interest in the movie industry.
Speaking on whether she would take up another role:
“I’m not sure if I’m going to do it again”, she said. “Unless it kicks me again. I would like to stick to music for now. But you never know”.