Sometimes, just sometimes, the words do not come out! Outspoken celebrity, Afia Schwarzenegger has given a 27 year old man the shock of his life after she exposed him. The guy’s crime? Well, maybe he’s been listening to Tulenkey’s hit song, ‘Fuck Boyz’ for far too long and it entered into his head!
This fine gentleman messaged Queen Schwar on Facebook and guess his message? “Hi I am 27 And I can really fuck”. Smart Schwar played along, asked him to send his picture which he willingly did. Probably, this guy might have been thinking “line wei di3 3b3 fa!”
Only for Queen Schwar to give him the shock of his life……..” OK I will post it for you as for me I dnt need a lazy man like you. Go get a job n stop fooling”. OUCH! But Queen Schwar, this guy isn’t lazy ooo…….he works hard on the bed!!
Our fuck boy here isn’t gonna give up. “There’s no job”, he said!
Well, man must chop….or e no be so?