Homechow appoints Pierre Kayitana to board of directors

If we know anything about this food tech company at all, it is that they will be strategic with everything they do and it includes its board of advisors. It is with no surprise they have brought in Pierre Kayitana, one of the youngest minds of the currently ongoing technology transformation of industries in East Africa.

His joining of the board may also mean more than just advising the company and its executives but providing cushion to any future international expansions which are on the horizon for the company.

This is a big announcement if you have followed this gentleman’s work in the telecommunications and technology industry. An experienced business executive who moved back from the United States to his native Rwanda to join the throng of ex-pats that moved back to help change and transform the country to the current state of being one of the beacons of Africa in many industries.

This should also be an indication the company is gearing up for its 2nd year in business and we can surely expect more strong and qualified experts to be added to the board and the company in general in the coming year.