Nazir, who is the lead character of the animated web-series “Tales of Nazir” created by Louis Appiah of Louicage Studios, is undoubtedly the biggest animated character the Ghanaian movie industry has ever known.
This fictional character has been able to carve a niche for himself as being wise, blunt and witty.
The award winning web-series “Tales Of Nazir” is also loved by many and very popular among the Ghanaian populace.
With its ever-growing audience, we believe Nazir is a perfect character to be given an endorsement deal by any of the many Telecommunication companies in the country.
They may not have thought of this opportunity to work with one of Ghana’s biggest stars out there,
but today eOnlineGhana.Com challenges either Tigo, Airtel, Glo, Vodafone or MTN — the telecom giants
— to give Nazir an endorsement deal based on his character, popularity and wide audience which are quite youthful.
[irp posts=”8356″ name=”You Won’t Believe How Much Profit Tales Of Nazir Movie Has Made So Far In Ghana Premiers”]
Apart from the fact that Nazir is very popular, he is also well known among the celebrities, with known friends such as Sarkodie, John Dumelo, President Mahama, Stonebwoy, Dee Money, Okra and others.
Nazir is currently the most popular cartoon character in West Africa.
Based on his achievements, in the history of Ghanaian cinematography, Nazir is the first Ghanaian animated character to premiere Ghana’s first all star animation movie.
The premiere was a success which saw patrons trooping into Silverbird cinemas to catch a glimpse of this witty character.
We believe Nazir has come a long way in the movie industry to be recognized and given equal opportunities like his co-actors.
Share this article to the support the cause of getting Nazir, Ghana’s favorite animated character, an endorsement deal.
In the words of Nazir, I’m out!