There was a time when you could bank on there being at least one Will Smith movie hitting the big screen every year, but it has been relevantly quiet on the Will Smith front since 2008. He has starred in some movies with the recent being “Bright”. Check out the top 10 movies that made us fell in love with the actor.
10) The Legend of Bagger Vance (2000)
Rannulph Junnah had it all, he was a great golfer, a legend in Savannah and dated the beautiful Adele Invergordon. But having gone off to war all that changes as he returns to Savannah a changed man more interested in drinking and gambling than playing golf. In the meanwhile Adele having inherited both a golf course and debts from her father is forced to fin a way to raise some money quickly and sets about hosting the greatest game of golf ever. Having aisgned up golf legends Waler Hagen and Bobby Jones to play she convinces Junnah to play after the locals demand a local player to appear alongside the greats. Having lost his confidence and swing it seems that Junnah is destined to disappoint but when a myserious man called Bagger Vance turns up offering to caddy for him it seems that things are turning around for Junnah.
I have to say that whilst I enjoy “The Legend of Bagger Vance” it has to be said between the mysticism of the character Bagger Vance and many zen like golf sequences it is all a bit too fairytale like. But then Will Smith delivers a charming, fun, intriguing character in Bagger Vance making much of what is really a lot of nonsense into an entertaining movie.