12 Telenovelas in Ghana That Held Us All Spellbound!

Sometime ago Ghanaian TV screens were dominated by foreign Telenovelas which we simply couldn’t get enough of.

A few years down the lane, telenovelas have once again taken over our TV screen and the monotony is simply killing a lot of viewers.

A writer who goes by name, Ebo Kilson expresses his feeling from his own perspective..Enjoy!

12. La Gata!

We see a lot of slander against the grown men that rush home from work, or stand, spellbound, in front of TV shops, to watch Telenovelas, specifically (these days), La Gata!

La Gata
La Gata

LMAO…it is kind of a ridiculous name, aaaaaaand they have entire TV shows dedicated to discussing Telenovelas. There’s a recap show in Twi, and then there’s the panel discussion. People get paid to talk about this stuff. LMAO

Anyway, before La Gata came along, a couple of TV Shows held us spellbound – by us, I mean, the entire nation. All 4 regions of it. Here are 11 TV Shows that EVERYONE stayed up to watch, every damn day!

11. Rosalinda

This was the one with the guy that wouldn’t stop crying at every turn. What was his name again? Fernando Josaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!!

10. Second Chance

TV Time – Second Chance (2005)

This is about as unrealistic as they come. This is basically an old rich dude that dies, and comes back to catch his homeboy banging his hot, young wife. Here’s the catch; he comes back in a fine boy’s body, and bangs his wife too.

9.La Usurpadora

La Usurpadora

Have you ever read The Prince and The Pauper? Yes? Now insert a lot of pointless drama and Voila!

8. Cuando Seas Mia

Yeah, one of the favourites. But at the time, TV3 was relatively new, and Emma Morrison was pulling everybody there. This one gave Metro TV some hard-earned viewership points.

7. Esmeralda

Esmeralda telenovela

In Yeaaaah-that’s-never-gonna-happen Ville, Esmeralda is born to a rich dude, who wants a boy…but everybody thinks she’s “dead”, so they swap the child for a male one, born to poor parents. When they both grow up, the male one, whatever his name was, falls in love with Esmeralda – who, get this, is blind. Yeah, right. Rich people fall in love with poor, blind girls.

6. Sunset Beach

Sunset BeachLiterally, the only thing I remember about this show was this black dude sucking the soul out his wife’s mouth on the beach. Yeah, I must have been only 5, but you can bet I practiced that shit. This show invented “Maame ne Paapa

5. This I Promise You (The Promise)

Something about a girl called Yna. This was kind of a crappy show.

4. Acapulco Bay

Acapulco Bay (TV Series 1995– )Yeah, I only remember the name and some ridiculous song we made up about this show when I was in like class two. But more importantly, it was what started this whole craze in the first place. People would carry their televisions to areas that had power, if their lights were out when it was time for Acapulco Bay.

3. Passions

Timmyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh, why must the good die so young!

2. Storm Over Paradise

This one was from when the dude from Second Chance found love, and it wasn’t a resurrected dead guy’s daughter

1. Juana La Virgen

In another season of Nigga, that sh*t can never happen, this MARRIED dude’s sperm finds its way into a virgin, before he banged her. And after her hospital card starts healing people and shit, this MARRIED dude goes on and actually bangs Juana la VIRGEN. And we all sided with him, preachers and all. | Written: Ebo Kilson |12 Telenovelas in Ghana That Held Us All Spellbound!