A Simple Trick To Getting More Likes On A Facebook Page

If you’ve two or more facebook pages, there is a way to merge them all (I mean all the likes) into one page so that you can easily manage it. But according to the rules, those pages should be similar otherwise they can’t be merged. But there is always a way to bypass this rule, simply change one of the names of the page you want to merge with to a name closer to the page you want to keep (eg, I want to keep my page with name EonlineGhana.Com which has 10K likes — I’ve a page with a name like Ghana All Stars. I simply change the name of the page to something closer like EonlineGhana and merger them into one). Voila!!

So how do we merge pages on facebook?

One requirement is you must be an administrator on both pages you manage. Editors and other users are not allowed to merge pages.

As I said earlier, merging can only be done for two pages that represent the same thing and have similar names. If your Pages have physical locations, make sure the addresses are the same.

To merge your Pages:

  1. Go to
  2. Select the Page you want to keep from the first dropdown menu, then select the Page you want to merge from the second dropdown menu
  3. If your Pages can be merged, click Confirm

The people who like your Pages and any check-ins will be combined, but posts, photos, reviews, ratings and the username will be deleted from the Page you merge. The Page you want to keep will remain unchanged, except for the addition of people who like the Page and check-ins that were merged from the other Page. The Page you don’t want to keep will be removed from Facebook, and you won’t be able to unmerge it.

Note: If you don’t see the option to merge your Pages, it means that your Pages aren’t eligible to be merged. If you see the option to request to merge your Pages, your request will be reviewed by Facebook.

N.B – Facebook review name changes and if accepted sometimes the new page (page with the new name) cannot be merged immediately, in fact it does not show up to be merged and it can take up to a week for it to be eligible again for merging.

Find me on facebook here if you need any help with merging your pages!