Understanding the full rubrics of what life on earth entails is very cumbersome. Majority of people
have placed their faith in God which is understandable because after critical thought and analysis,
that ought to be the way to go. It will prove to be very fallacious if we disregard the presence of an
Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God.
As the custom is, we wake up, pray to God and commit the day into His hands. As the clock begins totick away, we sometimes wake up to disheartening news of the loss of life of a loved one. From so
many religious perspectives, death isn’t the end however the passing on of some people prove to be
so untimely.
I woke up today, Friday, 9 February 2018 with the intention of going for a morning jog. I decided to
check social media for any news. On receiving the news, I was so dumbfounded and confused that I
had to suspend my morning jog. I just couldn’t find the energy anymore. The news?
Ripe with life and buzzing with energy, Ebony took Ghana by storm with her “ebonial” way of going
about her music. As the clock ticked away, Ebony began to appear in more modest attires
reminiscent to our Ghanaian culture. In what has become her last song, “ Maame Hw3” gained all
the plaudits even from her detractors.
That song kept all of us in expectant mood, waiting for her next song but death has made sure that
there was no next song. Awww…..Ebony Reigns joins the list of the young who had the world at their
feet but someway somehow, could not live long enough to take the world by storm. I cast my mind
back to Terry Bonchaka, Suzzy Williams, Castro and Vybrant Faya who departed this earth with
unfulfilled potentials.
What can we do? We only have to strive to be the best of whatever we can be so that when we
depart this earth, we do so with a legacy.
No matter how we look at life, one certain truth is that life on earth is short no matter the number of
years spent so let us not sit back as time passes us bye.
Baiden Gideon.
[email protected]