Gari, referred to as the student’s companion in this part of the world is a foodstuff most of us couldn’t do without when growing up – and mostly, till now! Oh! It’s also called CASSAVA FLAKES.
In extreme hunger or just for the “fun” of it, we find a lot of solace in soaking gari in water, adding some nido/milo, sugar and maybe groundnuts and then off we go.
To many, gari’s not just a mere foodstuff but it doubles up as a “lifesaver.”
One of Africa’s most affluent footballers, Emmauel Sheyi Adebayor has shared a video of himself happily feasting on a bowl of “gari soakings”.
Charley, the truth be say man for happy himself o!
Adebayor has set the tone………. Eat what you have, be thankful, sleep, wake up and hustle harder!