Felix Annan, Destined For Greatness!

Felix Annan, Destined For Greatness!

A “footballing mystery” which needs immediate solution/explanation is why Felix Annan isn’t the first choice goalkeeper of the Black Stars. I have already presented my argument to that effect.

Well, one crucial aspect of the whole SUCCESS INSTITUTION is never giving up despite extremely difficult circumstances. “A successful person is one who doesn’t see failure as fatal” and that is what Felix Annan is bent on doing.

He has been snubbed repeatedly but he knows his worth and sooner rather than later, he will man the goal post for the Black Stars.

Annan tweeted, “Everyone is Not Supposed to Like You. You Can’t Reach Your Destiny Without Opposition. Be Inspired By God’s Word Always. NO MORE HIDING! #ThursdayFeeling#Word#ReignGoods#OneLove#