Recently Ghanaian Rapper Joey B was spotted all soaked in perspiration walking to join a public transport with his bag hanging on shoulder, he was later seen sitting in a “tro tro” which many people alleged he was broke and for that matter struggling with other passengers in a public transport.
The Sweetie Pie hit maker has passionately addressed the reason he sometimes takes public transport in an exclusive interview on ENTAMOTY live show on Class Fm with Barimah Amoaning Samuel. Joey B stated that he being in the Lime light doesn’t mean he can’t join a public queue for ”troski” but on actual fact sitting in trotro shows how humble he is to be able to stoop that low to interact with people of such calibre.
“I was actually shocked when the news came out, my uncle even called me and was like Kwesi is everything okay ? I was trying to portray something, I remember at a point in time when things were not all that Rossy my day used to pick tro tro myself and my sis we were picking tro tro to school, now it was a norm; my dad a graduate and a very nice man was picking trotro that means he was very humble. So I learnt from that, hey I need to teach people how to be humble I CAN NEVER BE BROKE” Joey B
Joey be admonished all his fans to go get his latest single ‘Nsa’ which the video is even trending on YouTube, he asked all lovers of himself to just look up to nothing but the best of music from his camp.
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