The management of KOFAS MEDIA have hinted that the company is set to produce a new telenovela drama series for the Ghanaian screens. The Telenovela also dubbed ‘TELENOGHANA’ will be the first of its kind here in Ghana. The series will be titled‘SAMANTHA’ It will be Directed by Kofi Asamoah (That Kumasi Boy)
SAMANTHA, set is a small town somewhere in Ghana, is a story of a young village girl who in a quest to bring happiness to her village and family, realized that the only thing that can bring her all she ever wished for is the same thing that brings all the woes and troubles in her life. SAMANTHA is a Romantic Drama series. Production is set to commence by the end of the year.
According to Kofi Asamoah, CEO of KOFAS Media, the decision to produce a telenovela is to reduce influx of foreign content on local television and also to satisfy the fast growing audience and market demand for telenovelas in Ghana. He adds that the production of his new Telenovela, SAMANTHA, is an accepted challenge from local TV service providers. He’s also calling on other Filmmakers and production companies to accept the challenge and produce telenovelas for the local screens
KOFAS MEDIA is an Advertising, Film and Television Production company. They are the producers of comedy skits; BOYS KASA (Adventures of Kalybos), Kalybos in China Movie, Amakye and Dede movie and currently also working on a new TV series titled ’EYERED’.