Superstition exists in every circle, and in Africa it is made worse with various beliefs and practices by the people.
The influx of “Mallams” on social media in recent times has made communication very easy and as such there’s at least one Mallam among the friends of a normal facebook user.

However, Cape Coast based musician eShun has disclosed that she was approached by a mallam to help her produce hit songs.
This is not news since there have been several stories of Ghanaian stars in various fields (acting, singing, soccer etc) consulting mallams to help them advance their careers.
What makes her story quite odd and somewhat ridiculous is the fact that the mallam requested for nothing but a hair on her vagina.
The artiste who revealed this in an interview on Hitz FM indicated that the mallam requested for hair from her private part.
“He requested for my pubic hair to help me produce a hit song. He said he has helped some of my colleagues in the past and he can help me but I was not interested in his offer so I didn’t take it,” she said in an interview with Andy Dosty on Daybreak on Hitz FM