Miss Face of Ghana UK Holds Auditions, July 16


The UK is about to experience a real pageant with a real legacy namely Miss Face of Ghana UK,

This aim of the pageant is to find a queen who will work with a charity to advance learning & education in Ghana, be an ambassador of a school in Ghana, be the face of SWISH HQ UK TV, be an international broadcaster to Ghana and Uk and create a real legacy.

Miss Face of Ghana UK 2016 aim to bring education to the forefront, by working with an education charity in the UK because education is the key to: reducing poverty, achieving aspiration and social inclusion.

The Miss Face of Ghana UK Pageant will also be giving the winner and Queen of 2016, the opportunity to be an ambassador of a school in Ghana name Ashmole International Academy in Adjei Kojo, Ashiaman, Ghana.

The 2016 Queen will also be presenting a SWISH HQ UK TV and international broadcaster to some radio and TV stations in Ghana and create legacy in her rein.

Ghanaians will now have a queen who is passionate about promoting Ghana’s culture and tourism and as well as promoting learning and education in Ghana

The audition of Miss face of Ghana UK 2016 will take place on Saturday 16th July in UK and the finals will be in September 2016 in the UK

Many Ghanaian celebrities including presenters and artists has made it known that they will be present at the finals as well as International ambassadors based in the UK.

Trusted British Institutions, Universities and International media houses has pledge their support for Miss Face of Ghana UK due it focus on education

The event is power by SWISH HQ TV and organised by Ashmole International Academy Ghana . The CEO of LNJ Group, Ludwig Nii Jr is exciting to be providing a choice of pageant that focus on education because education in Ghana is something that is the nation takes very seriously as well as a pageant that promotes Ghana’s culture and is currently in talks with artist from Ghana to perform at the show

More info:@ludwigniijr @faceofghanauk

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