According to the report, Patapaa was supposed to perform at a show the previous day but was quickly sent to St. Martins de Porres hospital just some few hours to his performance at the Kundum Show at Atuabo.
Since then nothing has been heard of the artist till he granted an interview with Sammy Flex, Halifax and SammyKay revealing how a friend tried to poison him with food.
“I was poisoned when I went for a show at Tarkwa where I asked for an energy drink,”Patapaa narrated.
After taking the drink, he started hearing strange sounds in his stomach and shortly after, he started vomiting and having frequent stools.
“My vomit was as dark as a polythene bag and my stool was black and filled with blood,” he described the situation he suspects resulted from the poison.
According to the One Corner hitmaker, it took the spiritual directions of his pastor for him to vomit thick black substances accompanied by clots of blood.
Detailing his ordeal, he also made mention of the prophecy made by Eagle Prophet some weeks ago which he believed had manifested.
According to Patapaa, he took the prophecy in good faith and worked towards preventing it but a friend he can’t pinpoint tried to outsmart him.
The Founder and General Overseer of God’s Crown Chapel, Reindolph Oduro Gyebi, popularly known as the Eagle Prophet, during a program in his church said close friends of Patapaa would take his life through food poisoning.
See the video below:
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