One of the side effects of religion is discrimination. And the peculiar factor about religious discrimination is that those who do it aren’t aware that what’s being done amounts to discrimination!
For quite some time, discussions on religious tolerance have been maximized. Various religious leaders have called on their followers to tolerate the different views of others.
However, one thing is clear: The tendency for people to put their religious believes above the interest of their fellow humans is sickening! A typical example? Talk to a person of a particular religious sect and “loosely” mention that you consume pork! That’s gonna be the end of your friendship/relationship whereas one man’s poison is another’s meat!
In the wake of such happenings and beyond, Efia Odo has taken to Twitter to voice out her misgivings about being overly religious and hypocritical just because of differences in “sin”!
According to the actress and fun loving person, the only religion she practices is love and as a result, treats everyone as a human being which is the most important!
According to her, the God she serves teaches her to love and accept everyone as they are.
View her thought-provoking tweet below:
Only religion I practice is love. Being religious is too hard. I don’t wanna be a hypocrite neither do I want to discriminate another due to our differences In “sin”. My God teaches me to love and accept each one as they are, whether I agree with their life or not.
— EFIAODO (@Efiaodo1) November 17, 2019