See How A Ghanaian Bride Embarrassed Hubby During Wedding (Pics/Video)

This is both hilarious and funny. A Ghanaian bride who was obviously angry on her wedding day embarrassed her hubby during their wedding ceremony. After exchanging the vows, the priest asked the groom to kiss the bride. He made an attempt and as he moved close to his bride to kiss her officially before all, she turned away!

2He attempted again and she pushed him away from her! Surprise. Then, the congregation erupted in laughter and the latest husband too smiled. Obviously, he was embarrassed by his pregnant bride standing before him with anger visibly written on her face.

3Though there are many reasons why brides get angry on wedding days, the major factor, according to psychologists, is the inability of a groom to keep a promise(s) made. Also, some adduced pregnancy-induced stress for this particular bride’s behavior who could not help but look angry but many said she wanted to teach her husband a lesson.

4The bride isn’t the only one to get mad at a groom during a wedding. In April 2016, according to the Hindus reports, an Indian bride cancelled her wedding with her groom after realizing he had no toilet built in his home in India.

5This lady didn’t try at all! At least smile until the ceremony is over.


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