The issue of love is at best; simply complicated. You meet someone and instantly/eventually connect with the person. Just when you think the time’s right, boom! Things get complicated and the love which was hitherto a strong bond keeping you guys together just disappears……….You forget about each other and then set out to find another love.
Shockingly, the same cycle repeats itself and you become fed up.
To break off the shackles of disappointment, a Ugandan blogger has advised that unless one’s married, it is important to have more than one person in your life so that as soon as things go sour, you have someone to turn to.
Sharon thinks that unless you are married, having more than one partner isn’t cheating.
Moreso she is of the view that one isn’t bound to be loyal to someone so long as you are merely dating the person.
Shrewd way to escape heartbreaks, eh?