The second season of the sequel to late 90s and early 2000s hit TV series, Things We Do Love, will premiere on Viasat1 this Sunday, 10th April at 8 p.m.
YOLO (You Only Live Once) is a professionally pieced television drama series produced and directed by Ivan Quarshigah.
READ ALSO: YOLO Season 2 Premiers This Weekend At Silver Bird Cinemas.
It has the original cast of Things We Do For Love, including Jackie Appiah, Majid Michel and Adjetey Anang, blending with an entirely new cast of specially gifted teenagers.
Just like Things We Do For Love, YOLO addresses adolescent reproductive health issues in a plot that centres on the day-to-day challenges faced by the youth of today.
The 30-minute series tells a suspense-filled story about the teenage children of Adjetey Anang (aka Pusher), Jackie Appiah and Majid Michel entangled in a never-ending drama centred on relationship issues, peer pressure, the quest for survival and the contrast between children from affluent homes and those from deprived homes.
Their parents attempt in vain to caution them against peer pressure, promiscuity and pre-marital and unprotected sex.
Don’t miss YOLO every Sunday at 8 p.m. on Viasat1. It is supported by UK-Aid and the National Population Council.
Source: Alfred Sarpong I,gh