Self-styled relationship expert Counselor George Lutterodt has incurred the wrath of Ghanaian celebrities over his unfortunate comments on rape victims.
The controversial counselor said on live TV that “Every Rape Victim Enjoys the Act” . He goes on to say that rape victims enjoy being raped regardless of their unwillingness in beginning of an act of rape.
His statement did not go well with a lot of people including some female celebrities. Among such celebrities who are spearheading a campaign to ban the unregistered self-professed ‘counselor’ Lutterodt is actress Ama K Abebrese. According to the award-winning actress, his rhetoric only fuels sexual violence and rape culture. She adds that it rather perpetuates victim blaming and trivialises what rape survivors go through.

Actress Juliet Ibrahim added that the counselor should be arrested to serve as a scapegoat for perpetuating rape culture in Ghana. She wrote
YES! He is fueling Rape culture and sexual violence! This is clear case of a Rapist who’s sending out a direct message to the general public that Rape is okay. In his own words! He must be arrested and used as a scapegoat! #arrestgeorgelutterodt

Sister Derbie also added that he’s only promoting rape culture with his statement and therefore shouldn’t be given such a media platform to push his agenda
So ironic that the one with the filthy mouth, has no mask on. He promotes rape culture (victim blaming, slut-shaming, sexual objectification…) He should not be given a media platform to push such a harmful agenda!

SOURCE: EonlineGH.Com