Lydia Forson is 32 years old today. The actress in celebration of her new age has released a new set of photos through her website and they are absolutely stunning.
The outspoken actress in a blog post revealed how she’s now a new person. She wrote
“I look back at the person I was on this day last year and not only do I not recognize her anymore, but I’m grateful she’s gone.
For the first time in many years, or my entire life for that matter, I finally feel centered.”
Lydia Forson’s acting career started with a cameo role in Hotel St. James (2005), Run Baby Run (2006), Different Shades of Blue (2007) and a stint in the reality show The Next Movie Star in Nigeria (2007).
In 2009, Lydia Forson starred in the award winning The Perfect Picture. She has starred in A Sting in a Tale, Phone Swap and Masquerades.
Happy birthday to her!