Being a President is one heck of a task. You are basically required to positively transform your country. More so, you are also required to serve as a role model to the youth by displaying traits such as discipline, selflessness et al. However, an undeniable fact about residing in the spotlight is that you open yourself up to a lot of allegations/propaganda. Of course, sometimes, these allegations turn out to be true whiles others turn out to be mere propaganda.
Here, we look at all the times Presidents have been hit with sex-related scandals;
General Ignatius Kutu Acheampong (IKA)
The story of IKA is quite tragic. He began his leadership career with a lot of enthusiasm and it appeared that he was going to take Ghana to the next level until…….
In 1972, the then Colonel IKA overthrew the civilian government which was led by the then Prime Minister, Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia of the Progress Party (PP). IKA formed the Supreme Military Council (SMC) and took charge of the nation’s affairs. The earlier parts of his leadership showed a man who was filled with vision; he built the Dansoman Estate, built many low cost houses throughout Ghana and introduced the ever popular “Operation Feed Yourself” in an attempt to rid Ghana of neo-colonialism and imperialism.
“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”….. Sadly, IKA’s reign as leader of Ghana came to an abrupt end and a major factor for that was his well-advanced promiscuity. He was noted for dashing Golf cars with the women he slept with. He was later forced out of power via a coup d’etat.
After Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings staged a coup d’etat in 1979 and formed the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC), IKA was tried for several offences and was subsequently executed by a firing squad.
He will always be remembered as the Head of State who dashed his concubines Golf cars via the term, ‘Fa woto b3gye golf’.

Jacob Zuma
In 2006, South African president, Jacob Zuma was acquitted by the Johannesburg High Court after allegations of rape were levelled against him by Fezekile Ntsukela Kuzwayo (known to the public as Khwezi). Again in 2011, Jacob Zuma made the headlines for the wrong reason after it was announced that he had impregnated Sonono Khoza, the daughter of his friend and boss of Orlando Pirates, Irvin Khoza. In a statement, Mr. Zuma confirmed the relationship with Sonono and said that he had taken responsibility for his actions by “doing the necessary cultural imperatives in a situation of this nature, for example the formal acknowledgement of paternity and responsibility, including the payment of inhlawulo to the family”.

Robert Mugabe
The late Zimbabwean leader was reported to have had an affair with the then Secretary Grace Marufu whiles his wife, Sally Mugabe laid on her death bed. After the death of Sally, Mugabe married Grace in 1996.
John Agyekum Kuffour
In 2005, Ghana was thrown into a state of shock when Gizelle Yajzi, a one-time advisor and confidante of President Kuffour revealed in an interview on Joy FM which was hosted by Komla Dumor that she was a sexual partner of President Kuffour for about a year.

Below are excerpts of the interview;
KD: Did you have an intimate relationship with the President (President Kuffour)
GY: Yes, I had.
KD: For how long did this relationship go on?
GY: For almost a year
John Dramani Mahama
It all began when Tracy Boakye decided to launch a scathing attack on Mzbel. In the course of those attacks, the now popular term, ‘PAPA NU’ emerged. Tracy was trying to say that she holds the four aces over Mzbel and that they man they are fighting over prefers her to Mzbel…..After Tracy and Mzbel ‘dirtied’ themselves on social media, a friend of Tracy, Gloria Kani alleged that former President, John Dramani Mahama was the ‘PAPA NU’ Tracy and Mzbel were fighting over. During ‘THE SEAT’ show on NET 2 TV, loud-mouthed MP, Kennedy Agyapong also alleged that John Mahama is the ‘sugar daddy’ of Tracy and that the former President purchased a house worth $450,000 for the Kumawood actress and producer. However, a visibly angry Tracy rubbished the claims of Ken and Gloria and emphatically stated that she has not had an affair with John Mahama and that they should leave the former President alone.
Silvio Berlusconi
The former Italian Prime Minister was noted for hosting wild sex parties which were termed as “bunga bunga”. One of such parties culminated in him being convicted in 2013 for paying a 17-year old girl for sex. However, the decision was overturned a year later.
George Washington
He was the first President of the United States of America and it was alleged that he fathered children with a slave known as Venus who lived on his family’s estate in Virginia. In 1999, it was reported by the New York Times that the descendants of Venus were seeking a DNA test to prove that they are related to the Washington family.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
This was epic. It was an open secret that Franklin Roosevelt had an affair with his wife’s secretary, Lucy Mercer for a very long time. According to the BuzzFeed, this affair likely began in 1916. The rumor mill has it that Roosevelt’s wife offered to divorce him when she found love letters from Mercer in his suitcase however, she stayed on.
John F. Kennedy
He was rumored to have engaged in affairs with a lot of high-profile celebrities, with the most popular being actress, Marilyn Monroe. According to the BuzzFeed, John Kennedy said his father told his sons to “get laid as often as possible”.
George H.W Bush
He faced two allegations; the first being with a White House staffer and the second being with a woman he allegedly involved himself with in the 1960’s. However, Bush denied both allegations.
Bill Clinton
Hmmmmm……. Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Willey, Elizabeth War Gracen and Juanita Broaddrick levelled allegations of sexual misconducts against him. However, his most high-profile incident involved an affair with Monica Lewinsky.
George W. Bush
Like father, like son, eh? According to the BuzzFeed, Bush was accused of sexually assaulting a lady from Texas who later committed suicide. He was also alleged to have had an affair with a former stripper which lasted for 18 months.
Donald Trump
Ei!!! About 25 wowen have accused President Trump of sexual misconduct (including Trump’s former wife, Ivana who accused him of raping her). However, Trump has dismissed all those allegations as false. The ladies include; Jessica Leeds, Ivana Trump, Kristen Anderson, Jill Harth, Lisa Boyne, Mariah Billado, Victoria Hughes, Temple Taggart, Cathy Heller, Karena Virginia, Tasha Dixon, Bridget Sullivan, Melinda McGillivray, Natasha Stoynoff, Jennifer Murphy, Juliet Huddy, Rachel Crooks, Samantha Holvey, Ninni Laakosen, Jessica Drake, Summer Zervos, Cassandra Searies, Alva Johnson, E. Jean Carroll and Karen Johnson and a former porn star, Stormy Daniels. Most of these incidents happened prior to Trump’s election as President.