The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) wishes to inform its numerous publics that it has released provisional results of candidates, who sat for the WASSCE for School Candidates, 2020 in Ghana. This follows the completion of all post-examination processes. The results of the candidates will be dispatched to their schools. Candidates are therefore advised to contact their heads of school for their results.
Meanwhile, the Council has hosted the results online and candidates who so desire may access their results at the Council’s website –
The Council hereby cautions all stakeholders, especially candidates, to be wary of fake results websites and the activities of fraudsters who promise to upgrade results for a fee. Candidates are to note that all WAEC results are secured and can be authenticated. Institutions are therefore urged to always verify results presented to them to expose incidents of forgery.
A total of 375,763 candidates from 976 schools entered for the examination. This figure is 8.6% higher than the 2019 candidature of 346, 098. The 2020 entry figure was made up of 187,581 (49.9%) males and 188,182 (50.1%) females. A total of 3,343 (0.89%) of the candidates who registered were absent from the examination.
(1) The Subject Results of 2,383 candidates have been canceled for engaging in collusion, bringing foreign material to the examination hall, and tearing part of their question papers to solicit assistance.
(2) The Entire Results of 480 candidates have been cancelled for bringing mobile phones to the examination hall. (3) The Entire Results of 384 candidates have been withheld pending the conclusion of investigations into various cases of examination malpractice detected during and after the conduct of the examination. 122 schools in certain subjects are In the meantime, scripts of candidates from undergoing scrutiny.
The withheld results of candidates may be cancelled or released based on the outcome of the investigations.
You can download the press release below