Yeah judging from life spans of Stars, we could say our sun is still a middle aged vibrant young lady.
Approximately 4.6 billion years old it will take up to about 5billion years old for it to exhaust its hydrogen supply and therefore begin its dying process.
Our sun as an average star will die in a slow and very treacherous way. Now it has an abundant supply of hydrogen to maintain nuclear fusion in its core which provides all the energy.
Hydrogen+hydrogen—> helium.
When this hydrogen supply runs out, it will start fusing helium atom to make heavier elements.
Helium + Helium —–> Iron, oxygen, Carbon.
at this stage it turns into what we know as a Red giant.. Gets cooler but larger and appear bright yellowish-red.
And that stage Mercury and Venus are goners and the earth will be as close to the sun as mercury.
then slowly and painfully shed off its materials into outer space and collapse into a white dwarf about the size of earth.
for more stars more massive than the sun, their death comes in a more rather violent manner. a stupendous explosion called supernova..
so any living thing on earth by that time is roasted!!!
Naaah! don’t worry, 5billion years is enough time to get dead. so it’s not happening any time sooner .