They are successful,envied and hated. Today EonlineGhana.Com counts down the top 10 most hated artists in America.
Just for the record, we’re not saying we hate these artists, but in some cases we can understand why people do. One thing is for sure, if these artists decided to stop making music, very few people would be upset. This list acknowledges musical artists that are widely hated in America. Flip to the next pages for more..
10. Ke$ha
This high school dropout turned pop-star has had multiple top 10 hits.
So while there is clearly an audience for her dance, hip hop and dance electronic music — there are many who
discredit her as a talentless party girl. Ke$ha is most targeted for her overly simple lyrics, heavily auto-tuned music and top-star rap vocals.
Using a dollar sign in her stage name only makes matters worse.