The 9 Year Old ‘Joyride’ Driver

Police Chase Reckless Driver, Only To Discover A 9 Year-Old Boy Behind The Wheel

The Ford Focus

Police officers pursued a car after spotting its ‘zigzag’ all over the road- only to realize that it was being driven by a 9 year-old boy.

Officers from Des Moines PD discovered just how young the “joyrider” was after he smashed the car.

Funny enough, the young driver brought a passenger along too- his 7 year-old friend.

The smash which saw the Ford Focus mount a kurb was minor and both occupants of the car were unscathed.
Sgt. Paul Parizek was reluctant to call the pursuit a chase although his officers turned on their flashing lights from when they first spotted the extremely bad driving.

Sgt. Parizek said the youngster’s family were horrified to hear what he did and so he decided to let them discipline the youngster, rather than refer the matter to the juvenile court.