After the nature in which The Director-General of the Criminal Investigative Department of the Ghana Police Service, COP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah handled the issue of the ‘Takoradi Missing Girls’, a lot of Ghanaians called for her immediate dismissal as head of the CID.
However, this wish wasn’t granted and she stayed on!

But a new year with it’s promise of a new beginning is always something to take note of.
To that effect, the Director-general of the Criminal Investigative Department of the Ghana Police Service COP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah has been removed from the position in the latest shakeup to hit the service.
She is now the director-general in charge of welfare for the service.
She is to be replaced by COP Isaac Ken Yeboah who was director-general in charge of administration.

Also, COP George Akuffo Dampare has been removed from welfare to the director of Admin of the police service.
Further, COP Tetteh Yohuno has been posted to Special duties from his MTTD post.
The changes affected many other positions.

The changes will take effect from January 15, 2020.

Note: Information was culled from