Wendy Shay has being the talk of town after she politely refused to continue with an interview which was hosted by Nana Romeo on Accra FM. Shay was not impressed with Nana Romeo because he constantly asked her about an alleged relationship with her manager, Bullet which she labelled as untrue.
Nana Romeo pressed on and even threatened to release some evidence which pointed to the fact that Wendy Shay was in an affair with her manager, Bullet.
A female presenter, popularly known as Fabregas interviewed Nana Romeo after the incident for him to clarify happenings. During the interview with Fabregas, Nana Romeo accepted that releasing evidence which showed that Bullet was in a relationship with Wendy Shay was not going to add anything worthwhile to the music industry.
However, N. Romeo intimated that releasing the evidence would have proved that Wendy Shay was lying about not being in a relationship with Bullet.
Moments later, things went sour as Fabregas questioned why Romeo was insistent on invading into Wendy Shay’s privacy.
Fabregas went further to reveal that N. Romeo has even called to request that she meets him at the junction leading to her house. N. Romeo however made a light meal of it saying that there was nothing wrong if he was passing through her area and decided to give her a call.
Fabregas would have none of it and went further to say that it was not a routine visit but a premeditated one where N. Romeo wanted to propose to her. She further said that she didn’t come out to meet him because she knew what he was up to……..N. Romeo ended the call.
Watch below:
Source: EOnlineGH.com